Kenapa kita perlu belajar sains?
Ramai sering mempersoalkan kenapa kita perlu belajar sains, tak kira dari yang muda hingga ke yang tua. Berikut adalah beberapa pendapat, berdasarkan satu kajian yang telah dijalankan oleh Nottingham Trent University
"Studying science will broaden your understanding of the world around you, may allow you to influence and develop accepted scientific knowledge, and will give you the skills needed to approach most matters in a reasoned and analytical manner."
Dr Zac Sloman, Gatsby Business-Science Fellow, Nottingham (Subject: PhD Chemistry)
Mempelajari sains membolehkan kita memahami dunia sekeliling, dan membantu kita membuat keputusan secara lebih rasional dan secara analisis.
“Science makes a positive impact on people’s lives. In many cases, Science saves lives. Scientists use their expertise to develop real solutions for real problems. Remedies for many of the challenges that face our world will be developed by researchers who devote their whole lives to the pursuit of Science.”
Professor Neil T Gorman, Vice-Chancellor Nottingham Trent University.(Subject: Veterinary Science)
Sains mempunyai kesan positif terhadap kehidupan. Sains boleh membantu menyelamatkan nyawa. Sains mampu menghasilkan penyelesaian kepada masalah. Sains membantu manusia menghadapi cabaran.
"Studying Science can help you to distinguish between fact and marketing ploys so you can make informed decision about buying new products yourself."
Science student, Nottingham
Mempelajari sains membolehkan kita membezakan antara fakta dengan taktik pemasaran, bagi membantu kita membuat keputusan bijak semasa membeli sesuatu produk.
"One of the best reasons for studying science is the wide variety of work it gives you access to. There is a shortage of Biomedical Scientists so there is little job competition here, I previously worked as a science teacher, again a shortage area. My science background can also get me involved in research and the strong academic challenges of a science degree make it applicable to other careers. Science can provide a career for life because even if you don’t want to stay in one area of science many careers are interchangeable with a little extra study, again this is how I changed from teaching to laboratory science by following a part-time one year course. Finally it is extremely interesting and has many layers of depth of understanding, I recommend it."
Maggie Mulholland, Hospital biomedical scientist, Northampton (Subject: BSc Genetics)
Dengan adanya lebih banyak pilihan pekerjaan yang menarik, sains mampu membantu kita membuat pilihan dalam bidang semasa melanjutkan pelajaran, dan juga bidang kerjaya yang sesuai untuk kita.
"Studying science opens the students to a range of ways of thinking e.g. analysis of observations, spotting trends and patterns, as well as some mathematics and computation, in addition to the important practical laboratory work. Thus, the student can discover which ways of working (s)he is most suited to, and there is a chance for these to develop during the time at university. For this reason a science degree is a well established platform to a surprisingly wide range of careers outside science (e.g. accountancy, management, sales) as well as within science (research, teaching). A science degree leaves a student's options open as to what final career to choose, and can include work placements in industry, to give a flavour of the opportunities available."
Professor John Wallis, Nottingham Trent University
Mempelajari sains melatih kita mendapatkan kemahiran contohnya kita mampu membuat pemerhatian, mengenalpasti trend dan corak, membuat pengiraan dan anggaran, serta menjalankan kerja secara lebih praktik, dan ini secara tidak langsung meluaskan lagi prospek kerjaya.
“Studying science at university is a fantastic opportunity – not only do you get all the fun of being at university but there is a lot of state of the art equipment meaning you can study things that you couldn’t at school, you can focus in on the specific subject areas you find most interesting and a university education will lead on to a whole host of careers.”
Elizabeth Hart, School's Activities Officer, Nottingham Trent University
(Subject: BSc Psychology)
Mempelajari sains di peringkat universiti membolehkan kita menggunakan peralatan canggih, membolehkan kita fokus kepada matapelajaran yang kita minat, seturusnya membantu kita mendapat kerjaya yang kita ingini.
"As a science graduate you will have honed some extremely transferable skills:
Your ability to be analytical is vital in roles where important and complex decisions need to be made, your research skills will enable you to add value in new start up situations and project work. Finally your excellent numeric skills will give you confidence in situations where you need good commercial acumen and have to compete in a world run by accountants!"
Kristina Lloyd, Recruitment and Selection Administrator,
Human Resources, Nottingham Trent University
Sains membolehkan kita melengkapkan diri kita dengan kemahiran berfikir secara analitikal, kemahiran menjalankan kajian dan penyelidikan, dan kemahiran menggunakan nombor, lebih-lebih lagi dalam menghadapi dunia yang rata-rata mempunyai ketua yang biasanya terdiri daripada graduan bukan sains
"I like being a scientist because everyday presents a new challenge. Being a scientist means you learn something new everyday."
Industrial researcher, Pharmaceutical Company, Nottingham
Saintis akan menhadapi cabaran baru setiap hari, membolehkan kita mempelajari sesuatu yang baru setiap hari.
"The ‘wow’ factor and mystery of science never ceases to amaze me and by studying science, I now have a better understanding of the mystery but still haven’t lost the ‘wow’ factor."
Postgraduate Science Student, Nottingham
Sains sentiasa ada sesuatu yang menarik (wow) dan sentiasa penuh dengan misteri. Dengan mempelajari sains, kita dapat memahami misteri tanpa mengurangkan rasa 'wow'.
"I like the fact that during a tea break we can talk about football, Family Guy and the fundamentals of spectroscopy. The study of science has created well-rounded individuals who have the ability to analyse and question the things around us, and have the potential to improve the quality of life through the research they do. And forget the stereotype of the boring boffin - scientists are ordinary people who happen to do extraordinary things."
Dr. Sam Tang, Public awareness Scientist, Nottingham.
Sains membolehkan kita menjadi individu yang lebih seimbang dan menyeluruh, mampu berfikir, menyoal, dan menjawab apa yang berlaku di sekeliling kita. Sains bukanlah membosankan, tetapi saintis merupakan orang biasa yang melakukan sesuatu yang luarbiasa.
"Studying science teaches you how to question, investigate, report and communicate.
These are all skills that you can use in any line of work."
Postgraduate Student, Nottingham
Sains mengajar kita menyoal, menyiasat, melapur dan berkomunikasi. Ini adalah kemahiran yang perlu ada dalam apa jua bidang kerja.
"'Why you should study science' - because you can methodologically carryout investigations, critically analyse the outcomes, and conclude the answers to ALL questions starting with 'WHY'."
Dr. S.D.Sivasubramaniam, Lecturer in pharmacology,
Melton Mowbray (originally from Sri Lanka)
(Subject: PhD Biomedical Sciences)
Sains membolehkan kita menjalankan penyiasatan, membuat analisis secara kritikal, dan memberi jawapan kepada SEMUA soalan yang bermula dengan perkataan KENAPA.
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